One Year Ago, I Stated that the Trans Movement would be the Left’s “Jump the Shark” Moment.

I was right.

go Look at the picture below. What is your reaction?

enter site For decades cross dressing and transsexuals were considered behavior somewhat out of the norm.

source Admiral Rachael Levine & Sam Brinton

see url  

source Max Klinger’s Cross Dressing to Avoid Military Service

click Do I have a problem with a dude that turns his pole into a hole? Or a guy that loves the feel of silk lingerie against his junk?

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source url I am more liberal than the “wokest” lefty.

go to site I believe that if you aren’t hurting anyone then you should be able to do whatever you want. Cut off your penis, pretend to be a woman, mainline heroin or put on a flying squirrel suit and jump from the top of the Swiss Alps. It’s all good with me. Whatever you need to do to express your true self, go for it.

follow What I have a problem with is being forced through legislation or social pressure to agree that the emperor’s new clothes are indeed beautiful, when it is obvious the little boy is naked.

Tramadol Buy Online I am happy to allow you to indulge in your eccentricities, personal expressions and questionable behavior. I am no angel myself. I have my own forms of questionable behavior.

click here But if the law or what the left might consider “Polite Society” requires me to confirm your delusion, under the threats of violence, well that is where I draw the line. This was the line in the sand.

click here It doesn’t mean that I am transphobic, racist or misogynist. What it does mean is that you, “the Woke Left”, have gone off the rails, over the top, and “jumped the shark”.
This is just one reason why the left lost the election in a sweeping across the board fashion.

The bullying, the gas lighting, the cancelling, the belittling and the attempted ostracization because we said, “Yeah, but Lea Thomas has a penis, is over six foot tall, and has broad shoulders like a dude….. wait….. that’s because he is a dude”, was a too much for the average person to be FORCED to accept.


Congratulations to Lia Thomas, pictured here with her Teammates

Gay, straight, black, white, male, female. We on the right and left are good with all of it.
Most Americans are sane, understanding, accepting and tolerant.

On the other hand, people that see the world through the lens of group identity politics ARE the true racists and sexists.

This is what we have known all along. After Trump’s victory, many media pundits have stated the only reason Trump won is because White women are racist and Black men are sexist.

I guarantee you there are 100’s of other reasons for Harris’s epic failure that top the list before this myopic view.

The mainstream media and the wacko lefties have entered the Orwellian world of the “Thought Police”.

The American people have spoken. “Go sell crazy someplace else, we are all stocked up here” — Jack Nicholson in “As Good as it Gets”.